Tuesday 1 November 2011

Runaway World: Globalisation and its effects media

Together as a group we looked at Giddens book, ‘’Runaway World’’ which evaluates the impact of globalisation on our lives. . Globalisation refers to the growing interconnectedness of the world, and the ‘shrinking’ of national boundaries, due to new technologies and forms of communication. Globalisation is taking place all around us and restructuring the way in which we live. Globalisation has brought instantaneous interaction, and brings us access to a whole variety of global markets and information. In Giddens book, ‘‘Runaway World’’ he highlights: ‘’globalisation does not only concern big systems e.g. world financial order it is a development which influences intimates and personal aspects of our lives.’’ (Runaway World Chapter 1).
Giddens refers to a creation of globalisation, ‘global media’ which enables the distribution of media produce across the world to become effortless. This has created remarkable changes from the way we consume media, to the sheer power and influence surrounding the media. Giddens demonstrates how the first signs of global media power began to show dating to the collapse of The Soviet Union, ‘’the ideological and cultural control upon which communist political authority was based similarly could not survive in an era of global media. The Soviet and the East European regimes were unable to prevent the reception of Western radio and television broadcasts. Television broadcasts played a direct role in the 1989 revolutions…street protests taking place in one country were watched by television audiences in others, large numbers of whom then took to the streets themselves.’’ (Page 14).  Giddens is highlighting how media has the power to spread ideas to influence and change.

Giddens draws light to the fact that the changes we are experiencing as a result of globalisation around the globe are having a profound effect on our lives. Giddens writes, ‘’instantaneous electronic communications isn’t just a way in which news or information is conveyed more quickly. It alters the very texture of our lives, rich and poor a like.’’ Giddens is demonstrating a very significant idea here, that regardless of gender, class, ethnicity or background, there is no getting away from the changes taking place in our world.

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